Today I will be talking about each person on our curling team! To have a curling team, you need four people. If you’re not familiar with curling, it is a sport played on ice, but without skates or hockey sticks. You throw big, weighted rocks down the ice, and you try to get them in the house. When I say “throw rocks,’’ I mean sliding them down the ice, and when I say “house,’’ I mean the big circle at each end of the ice. The small circle in the middle of the house is called the “button,” and the rock closest to the button gets the point for their team.
Lead: Sophia
I’ve known Sophia for five years! Sophia is the Lead on our curling team, which means she throws the first two rocks. To be a good Lead, you must have a controlled throw that goes nicely in the house because there are not many rocks in the house yet.
Second: Morgan
Morgan is my twin sister. Morgan is Second on our curling team, which means that she throws the second set of two rocks. To be a good Second, you have to be able to throw rocks in the house (as every person needs to be able to do). But, for this position, you need to be able to throw the rock with a little more power because there are more rocks in the house, so there is a chance you will need to do a knock-out. This means that you knock your opponent’s rock out of the house, and therefore, it is out of play.
Vice: Chloe
I’ve known Chloe since I was in kindergarten! Chloe is the Vice on our curling team, which means she throws the third set of two rocks. To be a good Vice, you must be able to throw the rock hard to do knock-outs but also softly to get it in the house nicely. The Vice is a special position because they help the Skip!
Skip: Taylor
I am the Skip on our curling team, which means I throw the last two rocks. To be a good Skip, you have to be able to throw the rock at a lot of different speeds. The Skip is a little different than the rest of the positions because they stand at the other end of the ice and point their broom at their team members. Doing that helps their team members know which way to turn the rock and where to throw it. The Vice goes to help the Skip when it’s the Skips turn to throw the rock.
Every player except the Skip sweeps. After one of the players throws the rock, the sweepers tell the Skip if the rock is heavy or light. If the rock is light, the Skip will tell the sweepers to sweep. Doing that means the sweepers will take their broom and sweep in front of the rock to smooth out its path so the rock continues to move and doesn’t stop. If the rock is heavy, the Skip will shout to the sweepers, “Off!” or “Don’t sweep!” There are always two sweepers.
Every year our team goes to a couple of bonspiels. We curl every Monday night at the Winchester Curling Club, beside the arena. We have been a curling team for 3 years and counting! 😊